All Kinds of Art

Over the years, the artist in me has varied from having an acrylic abstract greeting card line as a child, to an Etsy shop full of jewelry, intricate beaded 3D animals, and crochet clothing and amigurumi (essentially stuffed animals), to handmade cosplay costumes and props, to being the go-to 3D-rendering artist for scientific cover art for my Ph.D. research group. Lately, I've also been getting into watercolor painting as a way to seek out and appreciate the simple beauty in the world (@argon_archer_art on instagram). Here's just a few of the things I've been proud of over the years. Hover over each image to learn more, and follow the links where applicable!

Playing pool with nanoparticles (featured at the Chicago Arts District - The Art of Science exhibition, 2016) Promotional art for Computational Materials conference in Paris, 2017Cover art for a news article on Physics Central, 2017
Cosplay, Gardevoir (Pokemon), 2018Cosplay, Elizabeth (Bioshock), 2017Cosplay, Red (Transistor), 2019 Cosplay Prop, Transistor, 2014